Based on the beloved television special originally created by legendary puppeteer Jim Henson, the family-friendly musical features music and lyrics by Paul Williams (The Muppet Movie), with a book by lead producer Timothy Allen McDonald (Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach) and direction and choreography by Christopher Gattelli (Newsies).
It’s three days before Christmas and Mayor Fox has just announced a Christmas talent contest with a grand prize of fifty dollars! Meanwhile, times are tough for Ma and Emmet Otter since Pa passed away, and winning that prize money would allow them to secretly buy each other a Christmas gift. Emmet considers forming a jug-band with his friends, but in order to do that he’ll have to put a hole in Ma’s washtub. The problem is, Ma earns money by doing other folks’ laundry in the washtub. Ma thinks about hocking Pa’s old toolbox so she can make a costume for the contest, but Emmet uses those tools to do odd jobs. As Christmas Eve and the talent contest quickly approach, will Ma and Emmet sacrifice what little they have, or will their Christmas wishes come true? All-ages, family friendly event runs 75 minutes without intermission.Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.
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