Dreamgirls is a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical that first premiered in 1981. Created by Tom Eyen and Henry Krieger, the musical is a dazzling and powerful exploration of the rise and fall of a fictional girl group, The Dreams, as they navigate the challenges of fame and the complexities of the music industry. Inspired by the real-life journey of Motown’s iconic girl groups like The Supremes, Dreamgirls features a vibrant score that blends R&B, soul, gospel, and pop, with unforgettable songs such as "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" and "One Night Only."
The show’s compelling narrative and dynamic performances have earned it critical acclaim, including multiple Tony Awards, cementing its place as a seminal work in American musical theatre. With its captivating story of ambition, love, and resilience, Dreamgirls continues to resonate with audiences, offering both entertainment and a reflection on the enduring power of music and dreams.
2hr 45min. Incl. 15min intermission.
All Ages.
December 6th, 2024
March 30th, 2025
Dreamgirls runs for 2hr 45min. Incl. 15min intermission.
Dreamgirls is at Chicago's Studebaker Theater, which is located at 410 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, 60605.
All Ages.
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