When standup comedy was told to stop Jarlath Regan said no. His “Return Of The Craic” online and outdoor comedy shows raised thousands for frontline charities and brought together comedy heavyweights like Romesh Ranganathan, Deborah Frances-White, Dara O’Briain, Josh Widdecombe, Rory Scovel, Iain Sterling, Rachel Parris and Jess Fosticew.
Now for one night only he brings the gang together again for one last show like no other to celebrate the return of comedy and look back on how mad it all was. Full line-up to be confirmed but this guaranteed to be a huge show. Jarlath Regan is best known for his appearances on Live At The Palladium, Comedy Central, Russell Howard’s Good News and his world-beating Irishman Abroad podcasts. His latest standup special “Notions Eleven" is now streaming.
90 minutes (no interval)
Suitable for ages 14+
Location: Fringe/Off West End Railway station: Euston or Marylebone
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