This monumental show tells the story of an ordinary woman’s meteoric rise to power at a time of extraordinary political unrest. It follows Eva Peron’s, wife of former Argentine dictator Juan Peron, journey from humble beginnings through to extraordinary wealth, power and iconic status, which ultimately lead her to be heralded as the ‘spiritual leader of the nation’ by the Argentine people.
Starring one of musical theatre’s most exciting young leading ladies Emma Hatton, who direct from playing Elphaba in Wicked has been wowing audiences and critics across the country with her portrayal of Eva. She is joined by leading Italian performer Gian Marco Schiaretti as Che in his West End debut.
2hrs (including interval)
28th July, 2017
14th October, 2017
Location: West End
Railway station: Euston
Bus numbers: (Charing Cross Road) 14, 24, 29, 176; (Shaftesbury Avenue) 19, 38
Night bus numbers: (Charing Cross Road) 14, 24, 176 N29, N41, N279; (Shaftesbury Avenue) N5, N19, N20, N38
Car park: Chinatown (5mins)
Directions from tube: (3mins) Take Tottenham Court Road south (towards Leicester Square) and the theatre will be on your left after 100 metres.
Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.
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