Experience a fresh and enchanting twist on Charles Dickens' timeless classic with "Madame Scrooge: A Christmas Carol Musical" in Los Angeles, CA. This original, Broadway-style production introduces Madame Eleanore Scrooge, a miserly spinster, as she embarks on a transformative journey guided by the ghost of her former business partner Jacob Marley and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Crafted by Justin Patrick Meyer, this holiday adaptation promises a unique narrative that diverges from the traditional tale. Hollywood film composer Chris Thomas contributes a captivating Broadway-style musical score, complemented by the imaginative costume, ghost, and creature effects by renowned designer Tanya Cyr. The stellar cast, led by Stephanie Hodgdon as Madame Scrooge, brings this extraordinary rendition to life. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind production, offering audiences in Los Angeles an unparalleled experience of "A Christmas Carol" like never before!
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