Design for Living by Noël Coward follows the lives of Gilda, Otto, and Leo, a stylish trio of artistic oddballs. In this this dark romance told in three acts, the threesome navigates a thorny third-wheeling relationship through the trials and tribulations of professional success and romantic betrayal. Gilda loves Otto…but so does Leo. Leo loves Gilda…but so does Otto. It’s a revolving door of passion, treachery, and never-ending champagne problems. Can love prevail against the norms of society? The search for an answer breeds hilarity and shocking drama in this provocative and delightful recipe for theatrical heaven.
2hr 10min. Incl. 15min intermission.
June 26th, 2024
August 25th, 2024
By: Noël Coward
Director: Bart DeLorenzo
Scenic Designer: Frederica Nascimento
Lighting: Leigh Allen
Costume: Denise Blasor
Sound: John Zalewski
Stage Manager: Jennifer Palumbo
Casting: Nicole Arbusto
Assistant Directors: Samantha Occhino & Michael Lanham
Cast list: Brooke Bundy Gilda, Sheelagh Cullen Mrs. Hodge/Grace Torrence, Shireen Heidari Helen Carver, Kyle T. Hester Leo, Andrew Elvis, Miller Ernest Friedman, Garikayi Mutambirwa Otto, Max Pescherine Henry Carver
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