This Pulitzer Prize-winning comedic masterpiece is a time-bending romp that catapults audiences into the lives of George and Maggie Antrobus. Various cataclysmic events serve as a backdrop for a hilarious and thought-provoking exploration of human resilience. After 5,000 years of marriage, the couple and their children have faced ice ages, floods, and wars, but the family perseveres with humor, ingenuity… and a pet dinosaur. This iconic play is a riveting testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity. Through its clever dialogue and absurd situations, it challenges audiences to reflect on the cyclical nature of history and the enduring power of love and family. The play’s unique blend of comedy and drama creates an unforgettable theatrical experience that resonates with viewers long after the curtain falls.
2hr 20min. Incl. intermission.
September 1st, 2024
September 29th, 2024
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