Penelope is married to Odysseus, the rightful King of Ithaca. For the last twenty years, she’s been waiting for him to return from the Trojan War. Meanwhile, a bevy of suitors have gathered, each wanting to marry her and take over the kingdom. Since they have little else to do but eat and drink, they decide to form an a capella group. (The acoustics in the great hall are terrific.)
To stall them, Penelope writes letters to herself and pretends they’re from Odysseus saying he’s on his way. Little does she know, her letters gathered together are creating the story of The Odyssey. (Since no one knows who really wrote The Odyssey, this theory is as good as any other.) It's funny, it’s fierce and, above all, it's epic!
2 hrs (Incl. Intermission)
April 2nd, 2022
April 24th, 2022
By: Peter Kellogg Songs by: Music by Stephen Weiner, lyrics by Peter Kellogg Director: Emily Maltby Choreography: Emily Maltby
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