A groundbreaking music drama that took Wagner twenty-six years to complete, the Ring Cycle is an epic through and through. Das Rheingold, the first in the four-opera cycle, sets the tone for the story – a cosmic struggle between Norse gods, heroes and mythical creatures over a cursed ring that bestows world domination.
These performances mark the start of a landmark multi-year project presenting the complete Ring Cycle in concert, led by Chief Conductor Simone Young, internationally acclaimed for her mastery of Wagner’s music. This is a rare chance to hear Wagner’s masterpiece piece in Sydney, and will be its first performances here in more than twenty years.
In a pure musical experience, our Orchestra and the finest Wagnerian singers from Australia and Europe appear together on stage – free to unleash Wagner’s dramatic and deeply felt sound in all its awesome power. All in the rich acoustic of the Concert Hall.
In a word, unforgettable.
16th November, 2023
18th November, 2023
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BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: The Sydney Opera House is a six-minute walk to Circular Quay which is regularly served by public buses, trains and ferries to Circular Quay.
BY BICYCLE: Bicycle parking is located beneath the Monumental Steps.
BY CAR: Wilson Parking owns and operates the public Sydney Opera House Car Park, which is located at 2 Macquarie Street (Northern end). The car park is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, and has undercover access to the Sydney Opera House Lower Concourse.
Further information of getting to the Sydney Opera House can be found here.
Conductor: Simone Young
Woglinde: Samantha Clarke
Wellgunde: Jacqueline Dark
Flosshilde: Margaret Plummer
Wotan: Wolfgang Koch
Fricka: Michaela Schuster
Alberich: Falk Struckmann
Fafner: Jud Arthur
Fasolt: Simon Meadows
Freia: Eleanor Lyons
Erda: Noa Beinart
Loge: Steve Davislim
Froh: Simon O'Neill
Donner: Samuel Dundas
Mime: Andrew Goodwin
Wagner - Das Rheingold
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