This gripping tale unfolds in a remote English manor, as a young governess arrives to care for two orphaned children, Flora and Miles. She soon discovers that the grounds, and the children themselves, are haunted by mysterious apparitions. As the governess fights to protect her wards from the sinister forces that surround them, the line between sanity and madness becomes thrillingly blurred.
Britten’s evocative score weaves a web of tension, combining hauntingly beautiful melodies with dissonant harmonies, perfectly capturing the ghostly ambiance of Henry James’s classic gothic novel.
The Turn of the Screw is helmed by celebrated director Craig Baldwin (Consent, John and The Flick for Outhouse Theatre Co) and will feature some of Sydney’s rising opera stars.
Presented in whisperingly intimate proximity, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Be immersed in the eerie sounds and psychological suspense of one of the world’s most popular operas, prepare to question the boundaries between the material and the supernatural, and become enthralled by the dark recesses of the human mind.
2hr. Incl. 1 interval.
Ages 12+.
16th August, 2024
15th September, 2024
GETTING TO THE VENUE Hayes Theatre Co is located at 19 Greenknowe Avenue, Elizabeth Bay. Right off the top of Macleay Street, and up the road from beautiful Rushcutters Bay Park.
BY BUS: Catch the 311 bus from Railway Square or York Street near Wynyard Street. Drop off on Elizabeth Bay Road or Greenknowe Avenue.
BY TRAIN: Catch the train from the city to Kings Cross Station. It’s about a 10-minute walk to the theatre.
BY CAR: Discount parking is available from the Kings Cross Parking Station (entrance on Ward Avenue). Bring your parking ticket with you to the theatre and have it validated at the Box Office to receive discounted unlimited parking.
Director: Craig Baldwin
Musical Director & Pianist: Francis Greep
Set & Costume Designer: Emma Vine
Lighting Designer: Morgan Moroney
Assistant Director: Sheanna Parker Russon
Stage Manager: Grace Sackman
Kanen Breen (16 Aug-1 Sep)
Ben Rasheed (24,31 Aug mat, 3 Sept-15 Sep)
Sophie Salvesani
Ruth Strutt (27 Aug-15 Sep)
Margaret Trubiano (16 Aug-25 Aug)
Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.
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