Simone Young conducts Die Walküre Tickets
Sydney, NSW

Simone Young conducts Die Walküre Tickets

Chief Conductor Simone Young leads an all-star cast in Richard Wagner’s vast, spectacular drama - the second instalment of his epic four-opera Ring Cycle.
Simone Young conducts Die Walküre: What to expect - 1
Simone Young conducts Die Walküre Tickets

About Simone Young conducts Die Walküre

A merciless storm rages over Wotan’s kingdom as his son Siegmund is pursued by brutal enemies.

Presented in concert in a pure musical experience, Simone Young and the Orchestra’s superb mastery of Wagner’s extraordinary musical creation will be one of the year’s most powerful moments.

A high point of artistic invention, Wagner’s Ring Cycle is one of the greatest works of music. Its drama and energy are captured by its signature moment The Ride of the Valkyries, which has become the most quoted musical passage from the entire world of opera. It is surrounded by writing of ravishing beauty and intensity which captures Brünnhilde’s bold defiance, Wotan’s shuddering wrath and Siegmund’s heroism.

These performances provide the perfect platform for world-class soloists including Australian Stuart Skelton, Anja Kampe and Alexandra Ionis, stars of the Berlin Staatsoper and Vienna Staatsoper; and Tommi Hakala, a brilliant new Wotan for the world stage.

Joining these distinguished artists is a stellar cast including Lithuanian-born soprano Vida Miknevičiūtė and Australian luminaries including Deborah Humble and Helena Dix.

Wagner’s epic legend was written for huge orchestral forces to produce an enormous, astonishing sound and create the 'total work of art'. Performed in Sydney for the first time in twenty-five years, Die Walküre is a musical triumph that you won’t want to miss.

Start date

15th November, 2024

End date

17th November, 2024


Concerts, Classical


Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House

Bennelong Point, Sydney, NSW, AUS, 2000



BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: The Sydney Opera House is a six-minute walk to Circular Quay which is regularly served by public buses, trains and ferries to Circular Quay.

BY CAR: Wilson Parking owns and operates the public Sydney Opera House Car Park, which is located at 2 Macquarie Street (Northern end). The car park is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, and has undercover access to the Sydney Opera House Lower Concourse.

For further information please visit the Sydney Opera House

More information about Simone Young conducts Die Walküre


WAGNER Die Walküre


Conductor: Simone Young

Brünnhilde: Anja Kampe

Wotan: Tommi Hakala

Sieglinde: Vida Miknevičiūtė

Siegmund: Stuart Skelton

Hunding: Peter Rose

Fricka: Alexandra Ionis

Helmwige: Helena Dix

Gerhilde: Madeleine Pierard

Ortlinde: Natalie Aroyan

Waltraute: Deborah Humble

Siegrune: Margaret Plummer

Grimgerde: Kristin Darragh

Rossweisse: Alexandra Ionis

Schwertleite: Liane Keegan

Frequently asked questions

Which theatre is Simone Young conducts Die Walküre at?

Simone Young conducts Die Walküre is at Sydney's Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House, which is located at Bennelong Point, Sydney, 2000.

How much are tickets for Simone Young conducts Die Walküre?

Simone Young conducts Die Walküre tickets start at $60.

How do you get tickets for Simone Young conducts Die Walküre?

Check the top of this page for current availability and exclusive offers on Simone Young conducts Die Walküre tickets on TodayTix.

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