Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem Tickets
Sydney, NSW

Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem Tickets

Sir Donald Runnicles is a master concert-maker. Here, he conducts three beautiful French masterpieces by Claude Debussy and Maurice Duruflé.
Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem: What to expect - 1
Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem Tickets

About Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem

For the first time, the Sydney Symphony will perform Duruflé’s Requiem.

One of the undisputed masterpieces of the choral repertoire, it is exquisitely beautiful, and a poignant reflection on life. Allow your spirit to soar on the delicate vocal harmonies and swelling strings. Donald Runnicles has devoted his life to the idea that music can be a healing, nurturing experience and you couldn’t wish for a better guide for this ethereal, contemplative work.

Two pieces by Debussy complete this program of evocative French music. Discover Debussy's bold musical gestures and brilliant orchestral colours that make for mesmerising, dream-like experiences.

Australian soprano Anna Dowsley stars in the sensual and decadent La Damoiselle élue.

Start date

20th September, 2024

End date

21st September, 2024


Concerts, Classical


Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House

Bennelong Point, Sydney, NSW, AUS, 2000



BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT: The Sydney Opera House is a six-minute walk to Circular Quay which is regularly served by public buses, trains and ferries to Circular Quay.

BY CAR: Wilson Parking owns and operates the public Sydney Opera House Car Park, which is located at 2 Macquarie Street (Northern end). The car park is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, and has undercover access to the Sydney Opera House Lower Concourse.

For further information please visit the Sydney Opera House

More information about Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem


DEBUSSY Nocturnes La Damoiselle élue



Conductor: Donald Runnicles

Soprano: Camilla Tilling

Mezzo soprano: Anna Dowsley

Baritone: David Greco

With the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs

Frequently asked questions

Which theatre is Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem at?

Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem is at Sydney's Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House, which is located at Bennelong Point, Sydney, 2000.

How much are tickets for Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem?

Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem tickets start at $64.

How do you get tickets for Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem?

Check the top of this page for current availability and exclusive offers on Donald Runnicles conducts the Duruflé Reuiem tickets on TodayTix.

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