In an enchanting world of song and dance, the adventurous Tinkerbell meets up with the fairies from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Together, the cheeky Mustardseed, fluttery Moth, daring Cobweb and sweet Peaseblossom go on a magical quest with Tinkerbell.
The audience is invited to dress up and join in the fun! Come as a fairy, an elf, a Jedi, a pirate or even a superhero! Everyone is welcome to join this sparkling adventure with a special visit to ‘Bubble Land’ to help Tinkerbell and her new fairy friends find her lost wings.
1hr 15min.
8th January, 2025
19th January, 2025
BY BUS: 971 is the best route to take to get to the park.
BY TRAIN: The closet station is Caringbah Station. It is a 8 min walk (750m) to the park.
BY FERRY: The closest wharf is Cronulla Wharf
BY CAR: On-street parking is available along Nicholson Parade. There are two accessible parking spaces on Waratah Street near the corner of Tonkin Street, with an accessible footpath leading from Tonkin Street into Gunnamatta Park. A
“Fairytastic! I took my three children to this event and it was the most magical time of our whole school holiday. The fairies were so believable and the songs made all the grown ups so happy.”
Tinkerbell and the Dream Fairies runs for 1hr 15min.
Tinkerbell and the Dream Fairies is at Sydney's Gunnamatta Park Amphitheatre, Cronulla, which is located at 39/41R Nicholson Parade, Cronulla, Sydney, 2230.
Tinkerbell and the Dream Fairies tickets start at $30.
Check the top of this page for current availability and exclusive offers on Tinkerbell and the Dream Fairies tickets on TodayTix.
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