Obie-winning playwright Marcus Gardley (upcoming film adaptation of The Color Purple, The House That Will Not Stand) blends classic mythology, African-American history, and modern theatricality to create the poetic black odyssey. This vibrant reimagining of the Odysseus saga is set in modern-day Harlem, telling the epic tale of Ulysses Lincoln, a soldier facing the most daunting of voyages to reunite with his family. While fate may seem in control of Ulysses’ destiny, his ancestors and their buried history will help guide his journey home. Directed by Stevie Walker-Webb (Ain’t No Mo’).
By: Marcus Gardley
Director: Stevie Walker-Webb
Choreography: Aquila Kikora Franklin
Producer: Classic Stage Company
Cast list: Sean Boyce Johnson (as Ulysses Lincoln), D. Woods (as Nella P. Lincoln), James T. Alfred (as Deus), Tẹmídayọ Amay (as Benevolence), Harriett D. Foy (as Aunt Tee), Marcus Gladney Jr. (as Malachai Lincoln), Adrienne C. Moore (as Alsendra Sabine), Jimonn Cole (as Paw Sidin), Lance Coadie Williams (as Artez Sabine)
Design: David Goldstein
Costumes: Kindall Almond
Lighting: Adam Honoré
Other info: Music direction by Linda Tillery and Molly Holm, assistant direction by PJ Johnnie JR.
Classic Stage Company continues its season with black odyssey, Marcus Gardley's Odyssey adaptation making its New York premiere. Get black odyssey tickets on TodayTix.
The black odyssey play follows modern-day soldier Ulysses Lincoln following his tour in Afghanistan. Like Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey, he has to make a tricky trip filled with supernatural and mortal perils alike in order to get back to his family. Time collapses and the lines between the human and superhuman worlds melt away as Ulysses's ancestors, and their history as Black Americans, guide his way.
The premiere of black odyssey in New York is the culmination of the play's own yearslong, cross-country journey. Since the world premiere in Denver, Colorado, the show has gone up in Orinda, California (where the setting was changed from Harlem to Oakland) and Providence, Rhode Island. The show was scheduled to come off Broadway in 2022, but it was postponed by a year.
Playwright Gardley won a 2019 Obie Award for The House That Will Not Stand, inspired by The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca. Directing black odyssey off Broadway is fellow Obie Award winner Stevie Walker-Webb. He won for directing the critically acclaimed Ain't No Mo' and just made his Broadway debut with that play.
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